“For the LORD is good; His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endures to all generations.” Psalm 100:1 (NKJV)

Christian Focus Publications

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A Christian's Pocket Guide to Humanity

The reality of being made in the image of God, but of being marred by sin, is the chief characteristic of the human race. This separation from our Creator, and ultimate union with him through the death of his Son affects all aspects of our lives. The

A Christian's Pocket Guide to Jesus Christ

For many of us, the whole concept of Christology is as mystifying as a foreign language, yet Christians down the ages have fought to defend the person and work of Christ - seeing him and what he did quite rightly as a vital element of how we are sav

A Christian's Pocket Guide to Loving The Old Testament

Many of us know and love the stories and characters of the Old Testament such as Joseph, Moses and Jonah. But how do we view its importance in relation to New Testament teaching and our 21st century experiences? This accessible yet powerful addition

A Christian's Pocket Guide to Suffering

When tragedy strikes-the death of a child, hurricanes, a school shooting-we begin looking for an escape from the pain, a way out, or we clamor for answers from a panel of religious "experts" to explain the ever-present question, "Why?" We want answer

A Christian's Pocket Guide to Understanding Suicide and Euthanasia

In a society that does not like to speak about death, Eryl Davies brings a contemporary, biblical, pastoral perspective on one of the most controversial topics of our times. The desire to control when and how one's life ends can be a complex and hear

A Conversation With Jesus... on Religion

Nicodemus was a religious man. He knew the religious law inside out and made sure he kept to it - he even taught it to others. He was confident that his religion would save him; after all, he was a good person. But then he met Jesus.

A Conversation With Jesus... on Sufferin

He had been subject to a protracted and excruciating life of suffering. He was well aware of the unrelenting persistence of human misery. If anyone had a reason to feel betrayed by God, this man did. But then he met Jesus.

A Faith to Live By: Understanding Christ

This is a comprehensive examination of Christian doctrine, practically explained - The Inspiration of Scripture, the Trinity, Sin, the Incarnation, the Atonement, Justification, Christian Liberty, Baptism, the Church, the Lord's Supper, the Second Co